
A03 Shotaro Hayashi

Shotaro Hayashi Participating A03
Affiliation School of Environment and Engineering, Kochi University of Technology
Position Associate Professor
Research Project Conversion into Asymmetric Spaces by Mechanical Deformation of Elastic Crystals
Abstract Here, the conversion to the asymmetric space by the crystal deformation is realized by bending and twisting of elastic crystal. Specifically, we consider the following topics (Figure). (1) Create new elastic crystals from coordinated compounds and investigate their characteristics. (2) Evaluation of deformation of elastic crystal shape and verification of its structural change. (3) Detection of changes in the physical properties of the bulk crystal by μ-PL spectroscopy. Through the above research, we will express the physical properties associated with construction of coordination asymmetry field by mechanical shape deformation.

Research Areas Organic Crystals、Synthesis、Solid State、Devices
Keywords Elastic Organic Crystals、π-System、μPLFibersElectrolysis